It's all around you. You feel it when you start getting slammed on a Saturday night. You feel it when your chef asks you to make a special for tonight's menu. You feel it when that cute bartender sits down with you to eat family meal. It's powerful enough to make you completely lose focus. It makes you slow down, like your muscles are fatigued. And the worst part about it? It happens to everyone--especially cooks trying to move up in the kitchen. And it's all in your head.
Self-doubt. Insecurity. A feeling that you're not good enough, not smart enough. When was the last time you felt it? Sometimes it shows itself for a good reason. You made a bad choice, or took a risk that backfired, and second guessed yourself. Other times it shows itself when you've been killing it on your station all night long and your chef is so pleased with you that he asks you to make something 'special' for that 4 star chef that just sat down at the counter. It's unpredictable. For me, being lucky enough to work amidst highly talented cooks during my career has often been enough to make the doubt creep in. "Am I good enough to work here? Is my technique adequate? Did I make a mistake becoming a cook? Can I really hack it?"
Doubt plagues cooks and chefs on every level. Speaking to a chef that I greatly admire about a night where he served a group of chefs that he greatly admired, he said "Well, I hope they liked it." Seeing as how this chef has four stars, I can only imagine that they did. To an extent a little nervous energy is a good keeps you on your toes. But when it starts to boil over it can lead to you losing your temper, shutting down, or letting service slip away from you.
So lets make a resolution--right now. Lets resolve to stop listening to the static and bullshit and let ourselves feel confident. Collectively, lets stop worrying so much about pleasing everyone, and just focus on what we know makes our guests happy. Let's take risks. Ignore the voices in your head. Let yourself feel confident, and dont worry about being cocky. (you know the difference) Let yourself move forward in 2009--no excuses, and no holding (yourself) back.
corey quotes to close out 2008

kozy lounging, the big fat duck cookbook, we'll miss you Nick, red bull and cola? ew.
Self-doubt. Insecurity. A feeling that you're not good enough, not smart enough. When was the last time you felt it? Sometimes it shows itself for a good reason. You made a bad choice, or took a risk that backfired, and second guessed yourself. Other times it shows itself when you've been killing it on your station all night long and your chef is so pleased with you that he asks you to make something 'special' for that 4 star chef that just sat down at the counter. It's unpredictable. For me, being lucky enough to work amidst highly talented cooks during my career has often been enough to make the doubt creep in. "Am I good enough to work here? Is my technique adequate? Did I make a mistake becoming a cook? Can I really hack it?"
Doubt plagues cooks and chefs on every level. Speaking to a chef that I greatly admire about a night where he served a group of chefs that he greatly admired, he said "Well, I hope they liked it." Seeing as how this chef has four stars, I can only imagine that they did. To an extent a little nervous energy is a good keeps you on your toes. But when it starts to boil over it can lead to you losing your temper, shutting down, or letting service slip away from you.
So lets make a resolution--right now. Lets resolve to stop listening to the static and bullshit and let ourselves feel confident. Collectively, lets stop worrying so much about pleasing everyone, and just focus on what we know makes our guests happy. Let's take risks. Ignore the voices in your head. Let yourself feel confident, and dont worry about being cocky. (you know the difference) Let yourself move forward in 2009--no excuses, and no holding (yourself) back.
- eating organically then not eating organically will make you feel sick as hell
- funkytown when you're medium sick is kinda fun. funkytown when you're full blown sick is horrible.
- the trojan vibrator commercial with the old lady is kinda gross.
- i keep telling myself not to have another piece of bacon, but I just cant stop.
- happy new years everyone!
corey quotes to close out 2008
- "Hey dude, roll over on your stomach. I wanna show you something."
- "I knew this chick that used to wear old spice."
kozy lounging, the big fat duck cookbook, we'll miss you Nick, red bull and cola? ew.