I want you to look at everyone around you. You're surrounded by smart, talented, motivated people. At times, you are one of these people. At at other times you get so consumed by your own fears and insecurities that it seems like the entire kitchen is passing you by. The difference between them and you is that they have goals. Obligations. A compelling feeling that they need to do something--something important...if only to themselves. Your days seem like they're devoted to maintaining the status quo. Granted, maintaining the status quo can be difficult at times, but what would be really nice is to see you push. I want to see you put yourself out there, and take risks, and be able to fully absorb the heartbreak of failure. Your fear of failure is what's holding you back. Your embrace of complacency is the very reason you're not moving up.
And the negativity. Oh, the motherfucking negativity. You see, if you came to me with ideas and solutions about how to fix things, we might start to move forward. Instead, you come to me and you bitch, and whine, and complain. If I didn't know better I would think that you were perfect--otherwise how could a person criticize others so passionately? You start shit with others, and come across with a harshness usually reserved for 3 Michelin star chefs. You, my friend are no 3 Michelin star chef. You need to learn how to communicate with others. This shit is simple; show respect, get respect, say please all the time, and if your co-workers are really letting you down, tell me and I will get your back.
I tell you all this because I want you to succeed. I want you to be good. No, I want you to be phenomenal. You have these little flurries of brilliance, and when those happen, it's almost hard to look you in the eyes--it's like staring into the sun. There is nothing sadder in life than wasted potential...unless you're talking about misdirected potential. Craigslist could fill a million terabytes with all your "missed connections" with greatness.
So starting now, everything is different. I still like you, but in this kitchen we are committed to progress. Get on board, or fuck off.
- joellen from blue bottle makes the best fucking coffee ever
- wow, I feel much better now
- speaking of which, caleb (jr) at nopa makes espresso that tastes like dark chocolate
- consider this next time you leave a shitty tip
- if you want your head to hurt, try to imagine how the hell the pixies made surfer rosa and doolittle in the 1988 and 1989. (granted, daydream nation, straight outta compton, it takes a nation of millions, and and justice for all came out then too)
- white asparagus from dirty girl this year?
- pick your three favorite people in san francisco, and tell them you love them
- if we can smell your perfume in our kitchen, you might be wearing too much
- you should really see our new dance move. everyone puts their own little touch on it
- wondercon and coi this weekend!
- amy, corey and I want to do a mission street food night
- my wife is snoring away next to me on the couch. she is the fucking sweetest thing i've ever seen.
quotes and conversations:
Al: She has problems with her legs.
Kim: Oh, now I feel bad!
Al: Yeah, you should. Yeah.
Maritess: Hey Richie, can we send Paulie an extra sopapilla?
Me: No.
"I look like Kermit and Beaker's love child."
-Amy. Done with the funny pictures.
Me: Al should run for mayor.
Chef: Of Tijuana.
"A nice hairless chest with my underarmor shorts on and Chinese flip-flops."
-Goose. Lounges in style.
"Sassy. Hey Sassy. Smile Sassy. Dance Sassy."
-Kamaal, who would be right at home directing models at a fashion shoot.
"People want to hear about the poor kid from Puerto Rico that came to America and became a chef."
-Corey, who should write Al's biography.
"Fire torta's! Oh, that's a man."
"I like the Pixies. All girls, right? Oh, that's the Dixie Chicks."
-Goose. Loves the rock n roll.
"No dude, i'll punch her in the throat. You want it rough? Go sleep outside!"
-Corey. Into the rough stuff.
"It's a space pen. Nitrogen filled. You can write upside down in zero gravity."
-Eddie. Has a fancy pen.
"If I haven't had my eggs, it's too early for prostitution."
"If I had pepperoni nipples it would be one thing."
-Ponder. Tiny nipples.
Me: When you do the Jedi mind trick, you're supposed to do this. (waves hand)
Chef: I did!
"You look like Jesus Christo when he was carrying his cross."
-Al, who likes the way I carry the ladder.
Me: Necessito ayuda.
Christian: Yo tambien!
"They fuck guys like you in prison Paulie."
-Ponder. Ex con.
Nopalito Kelly: How's things here?
Me: Things are good. You know, i'm on the mother ship.
Nopalito Kelly: Where ya headed?
Me: No, here. This is the mother ship.
Me: Have you ever heard of a blood clam Paulie?
Kitty: It sounds like a dirty sanchez.
Matty: I've had a couple of bloody clams. I didn't mind.

from top: coco, i love torta's, lamb, amy's last pic, short rib, puto, nopalito, bacon!, fernet, lights.